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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Newbie Beanie

I was wandering through the yarn store last week and came across this beautiful yarn. I couldn't take my eyes off it. I had no idea what to make with this, I just new I had to have it! I have never started a project without knowing what it would become, this was half way done before it came to me. I couldn't be happier. I can't wait to see this on top of a brand new baby's head. It's so soft and a wonderful mix of thick and thin out of 100% cotton, perfect to bring home your spring and summer bundle of joy. The colors are to die for, green, blue and grey! I will be back to the store this week to stock up on pinks and yellows!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Easter Vest Finished!

After knitting and re-knitting, the vest is finished! I'm so happy with the way it turned out and it fits Owen perfectly!I promise lots of Easter pictures. This is my first "clothing" project and I can't wait to do more. I have a few things in mind for my sweet niece who will arrive in July, you can were sweaters in July, right?

I had to add in one picture of O at the zoo, obviously with daddy, mom would never let him have pop ;)

Also, I will be running a contest on Facebook starting April 1. Stay tuned for details!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I really need a baby girl....

Here is my girlie striped hat. After doing the boy striped I didn't think it could get any cuter ....I was wrong. Hope you like!
Still working on O's vest, I needed to step away for a while. I'll be back at it tonight.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

On the Needles

Here is a sneak peek of O's Easter Vest. This has been a labor of love. I was unable to find a pattern I liked so I'm using a pattern that works with the yarn weight and needles I wanted to use and modifying it as I go. When I first started I had about 9 extra stitches, which may not sound like a lot but it would add over 2 inches to the vest, so I had to take it apart and start over. Last night while working the chest I realized in the pattern it was bigger on the right side due to cables that I eliminated in the original pattern, so at 11:00pm I was taking that apart. I called it a night! I have basically made this vest twice, it better fit :) I hope to finish it tonight.
You can see the unraveled mess of yarn!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Photo Props!

After a long month of knitting, I finally got all my photographer props out to my #1 Photographer Tyler! I'm so grateful to have a friend to help me out with my new found love of knitting. The pictures really speak for themselves! To keep up with her wonderful pictures and occasionally my knits, become a fan of Tyler Plank Photograpy on Facebook. And while you're at it become a RWR Knits fan as well! This weekend I will be busy creating my website and a cute easter vest for O. Enjoy the photos :)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Owen and his hats

Nothing too spectacular but I did manage to get a few pictures of Owen with his hats on. Most of the time I was just chasing him around. Is it me or are these kids getting harder and harder to make sit still?

Friday, March 5, 2010

Owen's new hat

This one is perfect for spring! Of course O was not cooperating with me so no pics of him in it. I may have to venture outside for that. This is made with a cotton/wool blend, so it's nice and light, but still warm enough for the northern air. I will be starting on O's Easter vest this week as well, can't wait to share my progress.